Yet when, as by the gentle disentanglement of patient fingers, the ligaments of the corporeal life are unwound from about the soul, the latter, undestroyed, may still remain through its allotted day of endurance. From The Hasheesh Eater by Fitz Hugh Ludlow
Disentanglement of Patient Fingers is a video series is of women’s hands that have specifically chosen to intellectually, spiritually and emotionally help and serve others as their career choice. These eight different women have chosen careers that oftentimes sacrifice their emotional well-being, relationships and life patterns. The videos were made during 20 minutes long individual sessions. The women were asked to create rituals and repetitive motions with materials to induce relaxation and trance. We are privileged to watch these women reveal self-care through their hands. Thank you to the women that participated in this project and thank you for your art form of service.
#1 works with women during pregnancy, childbirth and the post-partum period. She guides them through the transformative year of bringing life into the world with as much wellness as possible. She has worked as a midwife for 2 years at a community health clinic and also attends births at a small community hospital. She is a midwife because she believes that women hold the key to positive change in their families and communities.
#2 is an attorney. They represent the state when children are abused or neglected and it's egregious enough to warrant intervention. They do this work because they want to help people. They believe in standing up for those who are less able to do so for themselves. To take care of themselves, they exercises, practices yoga, or sings really loudly when alone.
#3 has been working as a program director at a small foundation that engages women in collective philanthropy and makes grants to local non-profits. She loves working with women and seeing the power of intelligent, caring, curious, women working together to make an impact on community. She goes on long walks and save one day on the weekend for herself.
#4 is the only social worker at a small senior center. She provides counseling & consultation, info & resources to older adults & the family members who care for them. She tries to be a friendly ambassador to the courageous process of aging, caregiving and grief. She wants to be a part of changing our culture from one that fears age & death to one that values life's journey and the virtue of experience - not only for the love & respect it offers seniors but also for the sense of wholeness it offers us all.
#5 is a mental health therapist working with queer youth. She listens to people tell her their thoughts and feelings and tries to facilitate their emotional expression. In doing so, she tries to help people raise their self-awareness. She does this work because she believes in emotional expression and psychological well-being. She values emotions and believes that therapy can encourage others to value their emotions as well. She serves others by listening to them as best she can.
#6 has been a birth doula for 7 years. She believes that often times in our culture, the human-woman is forgotten in the process of birth. As a doula her position is both political and spiritual, but she also considers her work a service to humankind. She holds the hand of the family through their experience, as a witness, as an advocate and as emotional support. She loves women and loves to care for those in need.
#7 is a mental health therapist. She listens to people tell her their thoughts and feelings and tries to facilitate their emotional expression. In doing so, she tries to help people raise their self-awareness. She does this work because she believes in emotional expression and psychological well-being. She values emotions and believes that therapy can encourage others to value their emotions as well. She serves others by listening to them as best she can.
#8 is the only social worker at a small senior center. She provides counseling & consultation, info & resources to older adults & the family members who care for them. She tries to be a friendly ambassador to the courageous process of aging, caregiving and grief. She wants to be a part of changing our culture from one that fears age & death to one that values life's journey and the virtue of experience - not only for the love & respect it offers seniors but also for the sense of wholeness it offers us all.
#9 has been working as a program director at a small foundation that engages women in collective philanthropy and makes grants to local non-profits. She loves working with women and seeing the power of intelligent, caring, curious, women working together to make an impact on community. She goes on long walks and save one day on the weekend for herself.